Geef een hond met een verleden een toekomst!

English Information

Why this foundation? 
Anyone who has ever been to countries such as Spain or Turkey knows what a terrible life most domestic animals have over there. Dogs are frequently thrown out onto the streets and have to fend for themselves. Many dogs spend their lives on a very short chain and are often abused and mistreated. In most of the tourist areas of these countries the stray dogs and cats are poisoned as soon as the tourist season is over (when all the tourists that might object have gone home!).

Most of the time the local authorities don't do anything in the way of sheltering or neutering the stray dogs and neither do they stimulate dog owners to neuter their own animals, so they breed without hindrance and unwanted dogs (often pups) are kicked out into the streets by their owners. The local humane society does what it can: they offer shelter, neuter, vaccinate and educate dog owners, but again and again new discarded and disowned dogs are found.

What does the AAI Foundation do?
AAI tries to find good homes in the Netherlands for discarded and disowned dogs, mostly from Southern Europe, and has been doing so since 1994. AAI became an official foundation in 1997. Since then, through responsible rehoming, well over 1300 dogs have found their way to a good home in the Netherlands. During the dogs life AAI keeps in contact with the new owners and also takes care of rehoming the dogs again in case of problems; no dog that has been previously rehomed through AAI in the Netherlands ever goes to an animal shelter. All dogs remain legal property of AAI.

Also AAI helps the local Humane Societies and animal rescue groups in Southern Europe by financing neutering projects and by providing medication and parasitic remedies for the rescued dogs, as well as supporting education campaigns abroad. AAI especially tries to stimulate dog owners in these countries to neuter their own animals, since these kept dogs and cats are the main cause of the many unwanted stray animals because they reproduce when left unneutered.
It's more important to have the animals wíth owners neutered, then the stray animals since the stray animals mostly don't live long enough to reproduce.

Furthermore …
AAI is becoming more and more involved in the fate of luckless dogs here in the Netherlands as well. It mostly concerns dogs that are not suitable for the regular Dutch shelters.
For instance; dogs that are too old or that are handicapped. Dogs like that have little chance in a shelter and often AAI is then asked for help in finding a good home, as these dogs don't do well in kennels (AAI doesn't use kennels or a shelter but has foster families that take the dog in their own home until a permanent home is found). You will therefore also find Dutch dogs on our website.

Every dog deserves a chance. In the opinion of the AAI-volunteers there should be no borders or boundaries in the world where animal rescue is concerned!

Do you have any questions?
Please fill in our contact form and send us your e-mail. We will contact you as soon as possible.

Become a benefactor! Your financial support is much needed!

The AAI Foundation is a non-profit organisation and works with volunteers only. AAI is completely dependent on your donations and gifts. As we want to remain a foundation that does not waste any money on unnecessary overheads, our policy is geared towards the direct and honest allocation of all donations to the benefit of the dogs only.This means that we critically look at the necessity of any costs to be incurred (e.g. no unnecessary foreign travel, saving on telephone cost by minimising the use of mobile phones to an absolute minimum). Any money received as a donation allows us to provide care for more discarded and homeless dogs.

You can transfer your donation to: NL08INGB0007276816, in care of Stichting AAI in Schoonrewoerd. When you donate 15 euro or more you will receive our newsletter "AAI-lawaai". Please remember to enter your name and address so we may send you the newsletter. The newsletter appears three times annually.

As we are a recognised foundation, your donations are tax-deductible under certain circumstances.